What Goes Where? | BluPlanet Recyling

Collection Services

What Goes Where

Please use our residential recycling and disposal tool below to help with your sorting. Please note, not all items are listed below and only the most commonly asked about items are. If you are a commercial client, please contact us for more information.

Mixed Recycling


Place cardboard in your Mixed Recycling container. All cardboard must be clean and flattened.

Food Containers

Place food containers in your Mixed Recycling container. All containers must be clean and empty.

Loose Plastic Bags

Bundle together in one (1) bag and place in Mixed Recycling container.

Pizza Boxes (Clean)

Clean pizza boxes (some grease is okay) go into your Mixed Recycling container. Remember to remove the box liner and put sauce containers and plastic pegs into your Garbage container.

Plastic Buckets and Pails

Clean and empty buckets up to 20 liters marked with recycling symbol #1-7. They can then go into your Mixed Recycling container or a community recycling depot. Metal handles are to be removed and placed in your Garbage container.

Shredded Paper

Place in a tied clear plastic bag and into your Mixed Recycling container.


Food Scraps

Place in loose or in a compostable bag into the Organics tote.

Pizza Boxes (Greasy)

Food-soiled pizza boxes go into your organics tote. Remember to remove the box liner and put sauce containers and plastic pegs into your Garbage container.

Small Plants

You can place the plant and soil into the Organics tote. Please donate the pot or place it into the Garbage container.

Cat Litter & Pet Waste

Put pet waste and kitty litter (all varieties) in your green cart for composting. Pet waste must be put in a certified compostable bag or paper bag for dust control in order to protect your collector.



For unusable binders, remove the cardboard from inside cover and put it in your mixed recycling container. The vinyl or plastic cover and the metal rings are to be placed in your garbage container.

Books (Unusable)

Remove any hardcovers and place them in the Garbage container. The remaining paper goes into the Mixed Recycling container.

Coffee Cup Lids and Fountain Pop Lids (Plastic)

Put plastic lids, cutlery and stir sticks in your black cart as garbage. Even if they have a recycling symbol on them, these lids are too small to be sorted at the recycling processor.

Miscellaneous Plastics

Please place in your Garbage container. This includes plastic toys, laundry baskets, DVD cases, CD cases, cassette tape cases and tarps.

Needles (Personal/Household)

Many pharmacies provide safe disposal for needles, syringes, diabetic lancets, and other sharp objects. Contact your pharmacy to see if they participate in sharps disposal. Properly packaged needles can be placed in your black cart. This is for the safety of your collector and landfill staff.

Non-Stretchy Plastic Bags

Please place non-stretchy, rigid, and crinkly plastic bags and film into your Garbage container. If it has a recycling number, it will still go into the Garbage.


Please place styrofoam in the Garbage container even if it has a #1-7 recycling symbol on it.

Wood - Treated

Put SMALL quantities of treated wood in your Garbage container. Treated wood pieces must be less than 15 cm (six inches) in diameter and 1.25 m (four feet) in length.


Appliances (Working and Usable)

Donate to participating charities like Goodwill. (FREE). Alberta's Recycling Hotline: hotline@recycle.ab.ca (FREE).

Batteries (Household/Non-Chargeable)

Bring to a participating recycling retailer such as Best Buy, Canadian Tire, Community Natural Foods, IKEA, MEC, or Staples, (FREE).

Old and Broken Appliances (Unusable)

Bring to the City of Calgary Appliance Recycling Drop (Fees Apply).


Bring to a City of Calgary lLandfill or a Private Metal Recyclingprivate metal recycling facility (Fees Apply).

Books (Usable)

Donate to a Little Free Library, Calgary Reads, Calgary Public Library, or a used book store (FREE).

Cement Blocks

Bring to a City of Calgary Landfill for recycling (Fees Apply).

Clothing and Textiles (Usable)

Some condo recycling programs have clothing donation bins. If your building does not have this program, please donate to a local charity that accepts these items; Calgary Drop-In Centre, Women In Need Society, and more.

Construction Waste

Large volumes of construction waste must be taken to a City of Calgary Landfill (Fees Apply).


Bring to a City of Calgary Landfill (Fees Apply).

Electronics (Unusable)

Use Alberta's Recycling Hotline for a complete list of where to dispose of your item: hotline@recycle.ab.ca (FREE).

Electronics (Usable)

Donate to participating charities. Use Alberta's Recycling Hotline for a complete list: hotline@recycle.ab.ca (FREE).

Furniture (Unusable)

Bring to a City of Calgary Landfill (Fees Apply).

Furniture (Usable)

Donate to participating charities. Use Alberta's Recycling Hotline for a complete list: hotline@recycle.ab.ca (FREE).

Hazardous Materials

Bring small quantities to the City of Calgary Hazardous Waste Drops (Free).


Use Re-Matt's services: www.Re-Matt.ca/403-918-6411 (Fees Apply).

Needles (Found)

Please contact the Alpha House: 403-796-5334 or needle@alphahousecalgary.com

Old Paint

Bring small quantities to the City of Calgary Hazardous Waste Drops (Free).

Scrap Metal

Please use a Private Metal Recyclers: Recon Metal, Calgary Metal, Federal Metals, Blackfoot Metals (Free).

Tires & Tires with Rims

Bring small quantities to a City of Calgary Throw n/ Go Recycling area (Free).

Is your item not listed above? Please use The City of Calgary directory to help.

Go to the Directory


Know where it goes, but need a bin to hold it?

See Our Bin Options

Need advice?
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  • Mixed Recycling
  • Garbage
  • Organics
  • Commercial Organics
  • Bin Options
  • Signage
  • Bag Tags

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